We planned to go MV to watch movie but we changed to sing k.
Before we went to sing k, Time Ci, Wai Keat and I went to cut hair.
Oh My God! My hair quite short!
Then Marie brought us to PJ old town to buy snack and cup mee.
After that, I went to Damansara fetch Dana Wu Ying.
Then start out sing k time!
Haha~ Marie standing up to sing.
Marie and Wai Keat.
Tim Ci And I. His pattern cannot see one! Haha~~
Time Ci and Dana.
Me, Marie, Dana and Wai Keat.
Tim Ci, Marie and Wai Keat.
MV X'mas stage, I don't so it's nice!! Quite Indian style.
Dana and Tim Ci.
What's she doing?!
Us in the X'mas Deco.
Haha~ Dana Wu Ying got scare in the carpark.
I want to sing again!!
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