Tick Tock Tick

Saturday, July 23, 2011


Sometimes, thanksgiving is quite hard in certain ways,
but I have started on today 22/7/2011 as God kept on reminding me about giving thanks for everything.

Even though that is a not so important little thing,
but I just obey and thank for it.

My lesson of the day:
Thanks for every single thing that
we face,
we get,
we have,
we make,
and He will smile on you.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Glad to see their growth!
I pray that more and more batches of "them" will be rising up.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

现在的我心里充满着说不出的  感恩
这次的机会也充满着许多的  祝福
我会更加珍惜这个再次的  拣选

感恩神在之前的  日子
磨练与提炼我的  生命 和 品格

神的  时间
神的  计划

我 感恩