Tick Tock Tick

Saturday, November 19, 2011

A Place

A place that I hated to go before,
but now... It becomes a place that I love to go.

That's funny. :)

Wednesday, August 31, 2011



有  信心  是好事
但  不代表可以  骄傲
信心  骄傲  只是  一线之差

务必  注意


A reminder of mine

Monday, August 1, 2011


不知不觉  已经三年了
三年前的今天  我开始接触到祂

三年后的今天  祂给我全新的方向

Happy Anniversary!

Saturday, July 23, 2011


Sometimes, thanksgiving is quite hard in certain ways,
but I have started on today 22/7/2011 as God kept on reminding me about giving thanks for everything.

Even though that is a not so important little thing,
but I just obey and thank for it.

My lesson of the day:
Thanks for every single thing that
we face,
we get,
we have,
we make,
and He will smile on you.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Glad to see their growth!
I pray that more and more batches of "them" will be rising up.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

现在的我心里充满着说不出的  感恩
这次的机会也充满着许多的  祝福
我会更加珍惜这个再次的  拣选

感恩神在之前的  日子
磨练与提炼我的  生命 和 品格

神的  时间
神的  计划

我 感恩

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

曾经的那一度过后  又不想了


到这个时候  还是放在祷告里吧!

反正  决定, 答案  还是  未知之数

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Ho Wai Tian
I hate this name before,
because it sounds like girl's name.

no one call me with this name after my secondary school life.
Everyone started to call me Isaac.

I started to love my Chinese name now,
because of someone called this name last week.
She made me want to hear everyone to call me Wai Tian so sudden. Hehe.
I will feel warm and happy if my close friends call me Wai Tian. :D

Thank God and my parents for the nice name!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

This is not easy to do it,
but with Him,
I can do it in easy way.


Wednesday, June 8, 2011

一早  起来
就有一种  感觉
就在心里面  打滚

忽然  有一个感觉
如果一切都能够重来  多好

其实  心里一直有这个的渴望  与  期待  再次有这个机会

我的答案是  不敢  不想要
其实心里  的答案是  很想


Thursday, May 26, 2011

Mind your words.
I'll prove to the world and let you down.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

这小孩  他  从小就不是一个  轻言放弃  的小孩
他  可以为了一样他  所渴望得到的  争取到底  直到得到为止

但  这小孩  已经  开始觉得  疲惫不已
他  能停下来  歇一歇  吗?

虽知  其实他心里  很想继续  还存着那份 渴望 与 不放弃
但  身与灵  都开始觉得这  值得吗?

加油  好吗? 

Monday, May 23, 2011


I wonder why girls like to hug each other always.
Can boys hug each other always?

*Not bias actually, it's just wondering.*

Sunday, May 22, 2011


I felt so warm today.
Can the time just stop a moment to let me to enjoy every second of today?
I just so appreciate everything of today.
Thank you.

Saturday, May 21, 2011


You guys cheer me up always.
Thanks and love ya'll!


What do you think of this picture?
- Flowers? Just a picture? What else?

Yeah, it's orange, the color.
Every colors have its own meaning.
Green- refresh
Blue- peace
Yellow- cheerful
Red- love

Then, what about orange?
It is passion.
I still remember this is the favorite color of my lecturer,
because he keeps telling the whole class that he loves this color so much.
He loves this color because he likes passion.
Passion in doing design and teaching.

Then, what is your passion?
Don't know still?
Not sure?
It is time for you, for me to define our own passion.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

别再  任性  下去了

让  成熟 独立 坚强 成长  上去吧

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


A person who likes to keep asking this word,
it is totally stopping us to grow to be matured.
We can ask it some times but don't let it become too OVER.

it was like, "So annoying."
it was like, "Hey man, can you just stop WHY- ing here and there?"

We need valid reason about WHY the thing goes like this,
but we can choose to shut the why up and just do it.

Keep on moving forwards instead of keep on asking.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


The heart fell down.
Grab it up and wash it.
Then, put it back into our body.

Adhere to..

他飞走  了
飞到远处  去了
别这样转身  就离开
尝试把他抓住  抓他回来
不管怎么样都好  不可以放弃

这一颗    需
抓紧  要坚持  要持守

Monday, May 16, 2011

God's Word

Let God's word feeds us everyday, every second.
We need His word to guide us.

Sunday, May 15, 2011


有位弟兄对  我说
"Isaac, 不要对我酱  好."

我呆了  一会儿

这也提醒  本人
更加不可  放弃这位  弟兄
竭力地  把他带回到  神的  怀抱里

这  是值得的

就纯粹想要纪念这一天 14/5/2011, Saturday (CYC Service)

Saturday, May 14, 2011


a phone call can be surprised and can be shocked.
We never knew what is the content at all.

"Doo.. doo.. doo.. doo....."


Then, no one knows that.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Once again,
all the best and add oil in your exam!
May God be with you always!

Buck up!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


翻回以前的 照片

原来 我也年轻 过
望着 现在的 自己

岁月 与 痕迹 都急着 要面世了
但 还是现在 好

就让它 成为 回忆 吧

Monday, May 9, 2011


I wanted to write this post about few days ago,
then, today eventually can post it out.

I started to face a few spiritual attacks.
Everything happened within these few days like tyre puncture, body problem, handphone, car accident... etc

I surprised that I faced it with joyful and grateful heart.
Everything just like 'no worries'.

you tried to attack me but you're failed to do this again to me.
Everything is under His control.

I just want to draw closer to Him.
Everything will be fine.

That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.
2 Corinthians 12: 10
随着年纪的 增长

也 开始 违和 了
每个人 的 生命、个性、才干 上

有 至少 一方面
值得 我们 去 欣赏 学习 的
一个 再坏 的 人
总有 一个 特别 之 处
单 看 别人 生命 的 软弱   缺点
自己 也 比不上 别人
大家 要 彼此 学习 彼此 鼓励 彼此 劝勉 彼此 相爱

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Dear Mom,

Dear all Moms,
Happy Mother's Day!

She 'are' the greatest people in the world!

He is the greatest God in this world!

We are the most lovely children in their heart!

Love You, love ya

Saturday, May 7, 2011


Thank God for everything!
Thanks for what we have now,
thanks for what we don't have as well!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Thursday, May 5, 2011


Make every details of your life perfect.
Live perfect.
Do perfect.
爱 是 愚人的国度
我们 都回不去最初
曾美丽 但还是不满足
爱 是 自愚愚人演出
是笑? 是哭?

Love this song


If it's growing, let it continue to grow.
Don't pluck it.


A place for me, alone

rest my mind, rest my eyes;
rest my ears, rest my mouth


Silent place


humans' thoughts are just so creative.

We can create and think something that will not exist and happen,
but we just have the creativity.

Sometimes good because of it's positive,
but sometimes bad because of it's negative.

we are just scare ourselves when we know the truth.

Things are not that complicated as we think.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

My Family

An awesome outing with Team and CG.
Great time to spend with them at the outing.

we went to Sepang Goldcoast on last Sunday which is Labor Day!
I gotta remember the date of 1.5.2011.
It's quite a memorable day for all of us.
I'm looking forwards the next outing. =)

At first,
this is our team "87".
What it means?
It is 霸气 in chinese.

This is the champion team in the tele-match.
Great job everyone!

Of course,
this is our whole CG group shooting.

This is the real and complete champion team in the tele-match.
Everyone were just active like monkeys. xD
They are lovely and adorable in characters.
They are my family.

I still remember that I posted this on my facebook status, "Now I realize that secondary school students are so cute."
and now they are no longer belong to secondary school student,
but they are still cute and lovely. :D

Love ya'll!
Jesus loves us!

Emo . Cont

Will you really show your real emotion on your face when you're in the mode of sad and anger?
If yes, who will you show it to?
If no, how do you hide it and pretend like normal?

I think we will choose NO.

It's about how to control our emotional.
It's time to be matured.
Lets God become our controller.

Monday, May 2, 2011


Once again,
thank God for giving us,
the time, the people, the truth, the sharing,
the LOVE.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Time Flies

Today is end of April.
Time to say goodbye to April and say welcome to May.

Time flies.
Just know that there is full of fun in month of May.

Just randomly post a post.

Last post of the month.





Tide . Feelings

几时 才到 天亮 呢?

其实 在 漆黑 的夜里
也 不想 把一个 莫名 的浪
给 打在 另一人 的身上

一网无际 的 一片 海
望着 望着 踢起 海浪来

望着 天空
向着 我们 所挚爱 的
把心里 所有 的 都交托

Friday, April 29, 2011

Yes, we Can!

it's not about how genius that person is,
we could be genius, too.

we think that the person is a genius,
it's because of we don't know, but they knew.

Once we know about what they knew,
we won't think that they are genius still.

We just need the process of learning.
Don't watch down ourselves as we can do it.
Yes, we can do it! :D


If there is something replaced You,
Then, I want my whole heart to be occupied by You.

My heart is full of You.
Don't leave me, I need You!
You are the one that I want to rely to...

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Stay Posi.!

Positivity is what we need to protect our mind all the time.
Don't wanna let the negativity to corrupt our mind.

Stay Positive!